Game Details

New Kids Games > Driving Games > Valley Rider
When you were a small boy, what was your dream? Did you want to be an astronaut or a dustman? Did you want to be behind the wheel of glorious cars that you saw in TV shows? We are here to make your dreams come true. We have collected several very unique vehicles just for your enjoyment. Some of these have their acquisition costs in millions of dollars! And we are offering a ride in them for free! Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and set sail for your future career of a professional driver. You have a talent! Various types of cars give you an opportunity to perform various kinds of activities. Who would like to just race on a tarmac road... You want more, and we give you more! Wanna overcome extremely difficult terrain? Mud and dust you love? Here you go! Choose your favorite activity from reaching top speeds in luxurious Ferrari to digging your way through deadly hills. Huge map to explore and a lot of secret things to discover, enjoy. Have fun.
Release Date
2 October 2017Game Statistics
Rating: 3.60 (5 votes) • Played: 2,635 timesSimilar Games
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Kids games need to be colorful and engaging, offer plenty of action, and should always provide some sort of goal for your child to work towards. Every game is going to offer some sort of skill or lesson to be learned that is just right for your child. Colorful cute characters your child can relate with or fun game play will keep your child coming back for more time and time again. Kids games can be a great way to take the boredom out, provide your child with a new challenge, or bring a lesson to life through the act of play. Puzzles, racing games and arcade games can teach valuable problem solving skills as well as refine concentration skills and reinforce a number of lessons from math, reading and much more.
If you want to play other games on your mobile, tablet or desktop you can choose one of our partner sites: Speed Car Games, Car Games Online or one of the most fun sites with selected games, Fun Best Games.