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New Kids Games > Girls Games > Witchy Modern Transformation
For the first time in a hundred years, the witch looked at herself in the mirror and was horrified. Carried away by brewing a potion and writing spells, she completely forgot about her appearance, and if she was leading she was a woman, after all. You will say that she can conjure and turn herself into a written beauty, but not everything is so simple. For too long, the heroine neglected herself, the process cannot be reversed, but you can improve and refine what is available a little. Plain water, a washcloth, a hairbrush, a couple of refreshing and cleansing masks, and the lady will transform, turning into a pretty girl. Then you clean the cauldron, throw your torn dress in there, wave your magic wand, and a whole wardrobe of dresses will appear. And there you will already help with the choice in Witchy Modern Transformation.
Release Date
9 August 2020Game Statistics
Rating: 4.54 (13 votes) • Played: 1,892 timesSimilar Games
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Kids games need to be colorful and engaging, offer plenty of action, and should always provide some sort of goal for your child to work towards. Every game is going to offer some sort of skill or lesson to be learned that is just right for your child. Colorful cute characters your child can relate with or fun game play will keep your child coming back for more time and time again. Kids games can be a great way to take the boredom out, provide your child with a new challenge, or bring a lesson to life through the act of play. Puzzles, racing games and arcade games can teach valuable problem solving skills as well as refine concentration skills and reinforce a number of lessons from math, reading and much more.
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